Topic: Construction Law
Changes to Trust Provisions Under the Construction Act

Topic: Construction Law May 7, 2021 by Ron Petersen
The Construction Act (the “Act”) has had many amendments and the construction projects are now in force for contracts entered into after July 1st, 2018. The trust provisions of the …
A new procedure for lien claims against municipalities

Topic: Construction Law June 27, 2019 by Ron Petersen & Matthew Smith
Municipalities should brace themselves for further amendments to the construction law regime in Ontario. Effective October 1, 2019, lien claimants will no longer be required to register a lien against …
Non-Payment of Holdback under the Construction Act

Topic: Construction Law by Ron Petersen & Matthew Smith
Under the previous Construction Lien Act, contractors and subcontractors were often concerned that they would not receive payment 45 days after substantial completion. There was a concern that they would …