Effective today: Updates to the Federal Child Support Tables

Topic: Family Law, Institutional Law November 22, 2017 by Chris Rutherford

Effective today: Updates to the Federal Child Support Tables

The Federal Child Support Guideline Child Support Tables (the “Tables”) have been updated, and the updates take effect today, November 22nd, 2017.

The previous Tables (effective December 31st, 2011) apply for child support calculations from December 31st, 2011 to and including November 21st, 2017.

A brief point of interest is that previous changes to the Tables had come into effect at the end of the month (December 31st, 2011) or the beginning of the month, May 1st, 2006 and May 1st, 1997. Despite making the change come into effect just over 2/3rds of the way into a month, it is unlikely, given the relatively modest changes in the Tables that calculations will be undertaken to determine child support to the day for the month of November 2017.

Existing court orders and agreements will not automatically change as a result of the change in the Tables, a new court order or amending agreement would be required to implement the changes.

Links to the updated tables and the Child Support Table Look-up online calculator can be found here.

Lawyers and professionals using Divorcemate should make sure to update their Divorcemate software prior to running any go forward calculations of child support.

LMR’s Family Law Group can assist you in determining the impact of the change in the Tables and assist you in taking the necessary steps to adjust either the child support you are receiving or paying.
